Frequently Asked Questions

Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that covers the cost of an insured individual’s medical expenses. These expenses could be related to hospitalization costs, medical fees, cost of drugs etc. Insurance is a legal agreement between an insurance company (insurer) and an individual (insured) wherein the insurer promises to compensate the insured individual in the event of a contingent loss. This is usually dependent on the insured paying a defined amount (premium) to the insurance provider.
Yes, having health insurance is very important. This is because no one plans to get sick or hurt but unfortunate events such as accidents, illnesses, and disasters could occur without any warning. Events like these will require medical care, with financial costs which may be difficult to raise at that time. Thus, it is necessary for you to keep yourself and your loved ones protected against such unforeseen happenings. Having health insurance covers essential health benefits critical to preventing illnesses, maintaining your health, treating illness and accidents while protecting you from unexpected and high medical costs.
The insured is expected to purchase an insurance plan from the array of packages available, which have different cost implications and benefits. When the insured or his/her beneficiaries need medical attention, the cost of the treatment is borne by the insurer as far as it is within the tenets of the agreement. These plans are usually valid for a one-year period after which the insured is expected to renew the plan by paying another premium to continue to access benefits from the insurer.
There are two main types of health insurance in Nigeria - retail and corporate. Retail plans are purchased individually for yourself or for your family. Premiums are paid yearly, and the benefits differ based on the selected packages. Many retail plans usually require a waiting period ranging from a few months to one year before certain services such as surgeries, antenatal care and delivery are accessible. Corporate plans are typically purchased by organizations for their employees. They are usually cheaper and have no waiting period for accessing services.
ComeInsure is an insurance agent that provides affordable health insurance packages from top-rated Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). We provide plans that suit your needs and budget, ensuring that you can access all services almost immediately. ComeInsure also helps to bargain for more affordable health insurance options and eliminates waiting times by aggregating customers to activate a corporate plan.
ComeInsure is not an insurance company or health maintenance organization. ComeInsure is an insurance agent that negotiates the best deals for you from the HMOs which you will otherwise not get individually. It provides you with adequate information that equips you to make informed choices on suitable health insurance plans. It also allows you to easily enroll and pay for health insurance without any hassles.
ComeInsure offers access to only health insurance packages for now.
You can pay from the comfort of your home/office using your debit card or online banking through our registered payment service providers (Flutterwave and Paystack)
The entire insurance registration and payment process takes just 5 minutes.
We have a group of dedicated customer care team that is willing to help through any difficulties encountered while registering or making payments on our platform. Kindly reach out to our dedicated customer support team on 08146932931 or
No, you do not need to contact or visit the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) after registration using the ComeInsure platform. Your chosen HMO will get your registration details directly through ComeInsure and contact you directly if further information is needed from you.
Following successful registration, you get an email confirming your registration details and electronic receipt as proof of payment.
You pay for insurance premiums annually meaning you are guaranteed cover for 12 months
For issues with payment and registration, please call ComeInsure on 08146932931. If you encounter any issues at the hospital, please call the HMO on the number provided to you.
Your Insurance ID will be ready 14 days after you receive your enrollee number. You can pick it up at designated centers.